AHCL 33.71 0.71 (2.06%) | AICL 72.5 3.26 (4.3%) | BAFL 17.38 0.14 (0.81%) | BYCO 9.83 0.44 (4.28%) | DCL 4.5 0.04 (0.88%) | DGKC 40.9 1.02 (2.43%) | EFOODS 67.1 1.73 (2.51%) | ENGRO 106.5 1.31 (1.25%) | EPCL 11.89 0.08 (0.68%) | FATIMA 24.8 0.12 (0.49%) | FCCL 6.23 0.11 (1.74%) | FFBL 42.1 1.07 (2.61%) | FFC 117 0.15 (0.13%) | HUBC 39.01 0.08 (0.21%) | ICIBL 1.06 0.19 (21.84%) | JSCL 16.75 0.16 (0.95%) | JSIL 9.55 0.19 (1.95%) | LPCL 4.42 0.27 (5.76%) | LUCK 126.19 1.12 (0.88%) | PAEL 6.35 0.55 (9.48%) | PAKRI 17.14 0.22 (1.30%) | PTC 15.39 0.63 (3.93%) | TRG 4.05 0.51 (14.41%) |


Equity Brokerage

Being Licensed Stock Broker of the Pakistan Stock Exchange, IUKS facilitates trading on all counters of PSX namely:

  • Regular Market (REG)
  • Future Market (FUT)
  • Odd Lot Market (ODD)
  • Cash Settled Future Market (CSF)
  • Stock Index Future (SIF)
  • Initial Public Opening Market (IPO)


Back Office

At the close of market on every trading day, data is uploaded for scrutiny in Back Office. After generation of trading activities reports of the clients and settlement of other issues confirmations reports are dispatched to clients in accordance with law.


Email Service

At the end of each trading day as soon as the process of settlement is complete, client’s latest position especially in respect of following is placed on clients given Email Address. Where no trade takes place during the week, position as on last day of the week is placed on the Email address of the client;

  • Portfolio-Securities lying in sub-account.
  • Accounts Statement.
  • Trade confirmation of the executed orders.
  • Outstanding / unsettled Trades.